Saturday, October 1, 2011

Artist Date: Occupy Boston

As Occupy Wall street grows, other cities are joining in demanding a larger voice for the U.S' working class.

Today in NYC they clogged up traffic on the Brooklyn bridge. The protests here in Boston are a little more tame.

People are making signs as per peaceful protest decorum:

They Chant:
"the people/united/will never be divided"

Passerbys beep in support of the protesters.

15:31 counter protests begin to gather.

To elaborate it was two people, carrying signs in favor of the current economic system. It was nothing too inflammatory and they left shortly afterward.

15:35 hassled by a cop for taking a picture.

This is the picture in question that made an officer upset:

The cop approached me, upset and hollered at me for "sneaking" a photo of him. He said he was a working man, and that after this he was gonna go see his kids. I did not reply. He left me a lone from then on.

The protest began to grow.

Protesters begin to file out of Dewey Square to march through Boston

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